Two Delta Optical binoculars receive Red Dot Award !
The Red Dot jury have made their decision: After all of the submitted products had been meticulously tested and assessed individually, both Delta Optical binoculars Chase 12x50 ED and Titanium 8x42 HD manufactured by the Polish company Delta Optical and designed by talented Polish designer Joanna Leciejewska received two prestigious “Red Dot” awards. Members of the jury, known for giving their seal of approval only to products that represent the highest quality, were unanimous this time around and without any doubt cast their votes on Delta Optical. Awarding two products by the same brand in one category (Outdoor) is a truly unprecedented event in the history of the competition.
Read more...12/01/2018
Delta Optical Chase 10x50 ED binoculars on the podium of the Optyczne.pl readers’ poll.
One of the best binoculars introduced last year to the Polish market was Delta Optical Chase 10x50 ED. The readers of the website Optyczne.pl chose this model as a first runner-up in the Best Binoculars category, right after the exclusive limited edition binoculars set by Nikon (only 100 pairs made!).